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Upload Your Picture Here

February 6, 2013

When someone does a search on a dating site they typically will only see profile pictures and the user name. Maybe they will see a bit of what you have written, but if they do it will only be a few words. So your profile picture obviously is very important. A lot of people actually make this process more difficult than it needs to be. They will stress over their picture and will get worked up over the smallest problems. I’m dressed really nicely in this picture, what if they think that I’m trying to show off? I was in a club when this picture was taken, what if they think that I’m a drunk or that all I do is party? This picture was taken while I was in the library, what if they think that I’m a nerd? If you’re asking yourself these questions or similar ones then the first thing you need to do is stop, take a deep breath, and admit that you are over-thinking the issue. These are not the questions that you should be asking yourself. What you should ask yourself is whether you look happy, whether it is clear which person in the picture is you, and whether you are doing anything interesting in the picture.

Looking happy in your picture is very important. Studies have found that pictures taken of people who are happy or are smiling make them look more attractive than ones where they have a neutral or sad look on their face. Not only that, but if you can post several pictures of yourself where you look happy or like you are having a good time it tells other people that you are a fun person who can have a good time. This will make other people want to associate with you.

It is essential that it is clear who you are from the pictures on your profile. It’s perfectly fine to post pictures of yourself in a group (I had several of myself and my 3 roommates one time), but the picture should be focused on you or there should be other pictures where you are the only common element. For example, I had 2 pictures of myself and my roommates (we will call them A, B, and C) up. I also had a picture of myself up with as I was teaching a cooking class. The only person in every picture was me, so clearly it was my profile. It’s perfectly fine to have your pictures set-up like this. You can also point out in your profile who you are in the group picture if you don’t have any other good ones, but but I find that posting multiple ones where you are the only common element can lead to less confusion.

As for what you’re doing in the picture, it’s perfectly fine to just be smiling at the camera. But if you are doing something try to have it be something interesting you have done or do. If you’re an artist feel free to post pictures of your art. If you rock climb have someone take some of you while you’re climbing. If you ride horses have someone get some while you’re on a horse. I suggest that you have at least one of these, in addition to one where you’re just smiling for the camera. It helps reinforce the idea that you are interesting person who does fun things and it’s a nice change of pace.

Remember to not get too stressed out over your pictures, like the rest of your profile they can be changed later if you want.

From → Profiles

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